Monday, March 8, 2010

I love this moment

I redress the past mistakes;
Yet I feel like enthusiastic child even after the long hurdles I passed through.
My mind says "Ahem, This is not permanent.!!" But my heart says" Its neither temporary.!!"
Not hassle-free but I don't care what they do as I'm happy now.
Yes. I live and love this very moment.


  1. I approve you and I also like this bearing to lead life with my problems physically and emotionally.What we have to change in our life can be changed by us sometimes. What we cannot change will also be there. We have to find out what we can change and also what we cannot change intellectually and accept the two situations and to have courage to face what we cannot change.

  2. Correct. We just make happy and sad things which turns out to be happy and sad moments.
